We’re doing it again!
We’ve saved our pennies so we can give you the opportunity to take some of our money. You and your family work hard for your money, so we worked hard to put this together for people just like you.
From now until Jan 28th, 2023 we will give you $100.00 for every thousand dollars you spend on a new regular priced countertop. Granite or quartz the choice is yours. Black, white or in between that choice is yours too. Add a sink or a faucet. Add a vanity or a laundry room countertop. The more you add the more of our money you get to have.
But here’s the bad news. When the 50K is gone, It’s gone. We wont add more. We won’t extend the offer and we wont say we didn’t warn you!
Act fast, the money won’t last long. But your new countertop can last a lifetime.